
Sell your life insurance for cash.

See how a life settlement can help you pay medical bills, retirement expenses and long-term care costs.

See if you qualify

What is a life settlement?

Many seniors don’t know that if you no longer need or want your life insurance policy, you can sell it for cash. That’s a life settlement. You can use that cash to pay for medical, retirement, long-term care, or any other expenses you choose.

Tens of thousands of dollars.

Lighthouse Life has helped many people receive tens of thousands of dollars by selling their policies instead of “surrendering” them, or stopping the payments. After all, your policy is your property. You have the right to sell it. For many seniors, it’s a wise financial move.

You’re protected.

At Lighthouse Life we’re passionate advocates for seniors. We will fight to help you get what’s rightfully yours. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners also recommends life settlements as a way for seniors to finance long-term care. Life settlements have been legal for more than 100 years, and they’re highly regulated across the U.S.

A quick, easy process.


Complete the form.

You owe it to yourself to see if you qualify for a life settlement.


Talk with us.

One of our Relationship Managers will contact you to gather some additional information.


Get your offer.

If you qualify, we’ll offer to buy your policy.

You owe it to yourself to learn more.

Please fill out the form if this describes you:

  • You’re 65+ (or younger with a significant health issue).
  • Your health has changed since you bought your policy.
  • Your policy is $100,000 or more.

* All fields required

Click submit to begin your appraisal

How to assess your health.

Please select your health status by comparing your health to that of people your age.

  • Above average – Exceptional health relative to the average person my age
  • Average – Average health relative to a person my age
  • Slightly below average – Chronic but manageable health conditions that require ongoing treatment and care but do not have a significant impact on quality of life relative to my peers
  • Well below average – Major or severe medical conditions that have a significant impact on my quality of life
  • Terminal – Irreversible medical conditions that will significantly reduce life expectancy, such as late stage cancer